Monday, August 16, 2010

The Touch of A Painter

According to Picasso “Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot; others transform a yellow spot into the sun.” this quote best explains how Jun Impas, a well known painter puts life in all of his creations.

Last night, while I was watching the birthday episode of Mel Tiangco, I was so amazed with the portraits and landscapes I saw, all of which are creations of none other than Mr. Jun Impas. I'm not a critic when it comes to artworks but i can definitely say that his paintings were one of a kind.

I can see the depth of the paintings, it's as if you're looking into a 3D-image. It was the first time that I had goosebumps while staring at an incredible masterpiece.

He can definitely transform an ordinary image to an extraordinary artwork. And I told myself, I want to have my portrait done by him. 

After watching that episode, I searched the web for some of his paintings and I was not disappointed when I got into his website, . I saw lots of great paintings in his site. Some of which are for sale, I wonder how much each costs?

Here are some of the artworks I've seen in his site:

Someday, I would like to have my portrait done by Mr. Jun Impas. That's why I'm giving this 8 out of 10 AMBITION POINTS

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