Sunday, May 3, 2009

My Zadak Turns 15

I'm so glad that I was able to keep my robot in good shape after 15 years...

Zadak was my first robot given to me by my godfather from Saudi when I was 5. All I can remember is that the package contained a letter and his picture and 1 plastic of hershey's kisses.... I can't remember the flavor....

I was so glad for having Zadak because at that time a robot that could walk, speak and spin with blinking lights is a talk of the town... heehehehe sikat pa ko nun... Most of the time I bring him everytime I play with my mates and ofcourse I can see amusement in their faces.... hahahha...

One time while I was carrying him, I dropped him and I was so worried that I checked out if there's anything went wrong. I saw that his right leg became misaligned and the screws were missing... I looked for the screws and try to fix him.. Lucky me 'cause i was able to fix it, coz if not, he'll be paralyzed till now... hahahahhaha....

But now Zadak is not in good condition, his speech became unrecognizable and he can't spin a full 360 degree spin and he can't also walk steadily... but atleast, he's still there!!!

My name is Zadak... drop you weapon!!!! Fire!!!!


  1. yes my grandfather gave me this robot as a present when i was 5 years old, but now he is no longer alive my robot some how got distroyed, if any can tell me the name of this company so I can buy this robot. This was my very first child hood toy, you can email me at or reply to my comments thank you so much.

    1. well umm thats a robot leader but he has no brand..its the rare version

    2. they re easy to fix his speaker is in chest maybe his gears got worn but please keep him carefully, hes an excellent and super rare robot zadak

  2. i have a red one but hes also broken he doesnt spin or walk but hes the two chest buttons version

  3. robot king green version ,there also a chrome version that i found on a page on facebook and in my country a radioactive red chrome version,with the same criature in the chest

  4. as you say :"his speech became unrecognizable",possibly his speaker is old or not ,but you can swap with other with the same specification,per example:8 ohms/0,25 watts

  5. this type of speakers can be found inside of old speakers for pc and the computer cabinet
