Monday, August 16, 2010

The Touch of A Painter

According to Picasso “Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot; others transform a yellow spot into the sun.” this quote best explains how Jun Impas, a well known painter puts life in all of his creations.

Last night, while I was watching the birthday episode of Mel Tiangco, I was so amazed with the portraits and landscapes I saw, all of which are creations of none other than Mr. Jun Impas. I'm not a critic when it comes to artworks but i can definitely say that his paintings were one of a kind.

I can see the depth of the paintings, it's as if you're looking into a 3D-image. It was the first time that I had goosebumps while staring at an incredible masterpiece.

He can definitely transform an ordinary image to an extraordinary artwork. And I told myself, I want to have my portrait done by him. 

After watching that episode, I searched the web for some of his paintings and I was not disappointed when I got into his website, . I saw lots of great paintings in his site. Some of which are for sale, I wonder how much each costs?

Here are some of the artworks I've seen in his site:

Someday, I would like to have my portrait done by Mr. Jun Impas. That's why I'm giving this 8 out of 10 AMBITION POINTS

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Dream of a Single Charger for All Phones

We've got different cellphones at the house. And when one needs to charge the phone, but forgets where the charger is, there's no way to borrow someone else's charger. I really hate this scenario, they're all phones yet they have different charger and sometimes, even phones of the same brand come with different charger.

I do understand that maybe, the reason behind this is because, cellphone companies needs to optimize charging of phones. But the problem is, you can't borrow charger to your siblings or neighbors during the time you badly needed one.

Luckily, while I was browsing the net, hopeful to get some news if there will be a single charger for all phones, I've ran to this article and read that this issue has been addressed already and cellphone companies are doing their part in creating a universal charger for all phones. Yeah it's a very great news, but the sad thing is, only the European country will have it first.
This is the article from

(Wired) -- Cellphone battery dead? No problem: Just borrow a charger from a friend. Oh, wait -- you can't, because your friend doesn't have the same phone as you, and his charger won't work with your phone.

That annoyance will end next year, for Europeans at least. Thanks to the efforts of the European Commission, most cellphones sold in Europe will have a one-size-fits-all charger starting in 2011. So far, 10 major cellphone makers, including Apple, Motorola, Samsung and Research In Motion, have signed on to the agreement.

Americans will have to wait. Without a government agency setting a deadline, it's up to handset makers to make the switch to a single standard. All consumers can do is let their old chargers gather dust in a drawer, while hoping manufacturers will eventually converge on a standardized charger.

"For the FCC, this is probably number 5,000 on their list and it is legislative priority number 10,000 at this point," says Joe Banos, chief operating officer for Wilson Electronics, which makes cellphone boosters and antennas. "We believe the U.S. will ultimately follow Europe here, but the question is when."

Today each cellphone ships with its own charger. Different companies use different connectors -- and often different models from the same company do too, making it difficult for users to borrow a charger. And when it's time to toss the phone, the charger also goes into the bin.

A universal charger means consumers don't have to get a new charger with every mobile phone. As a bonus, it'll be easier to borrow a charger when in need.

And if all that isn't enough, there's the green aspect. One-size-fits-all means fewer chargers will wind up in the landfill, less electronic waste, and fewer resources consumed in manufacturing chargers.

In 2009, the European Commission said it reached a voluntary agreement with handset manufacturers to use the micro-USB connector for the charger. Starting in 2011, all phone models sold in Europe would then have compatible chargers. Now, that agreement is taking effect.

Changing the rules in the U.S.

Smartphone makers in the United States are moving toward something similar, but more slowly. Motorola and Samsung have said they will offer a standard charger here but haven't committed to a deadline. It's a complex game where each handset maker is optimizing for itself, but collectively those decisions might help realize the goal of having a universal charger, probably centered on micro-USB.

"For the most part it is already happening here with smartphones," says Michael Gartenberg, an analyst at the Altimeter Group. "An HTC Evo charger will charge a Nexus One or Incredible, as long as it has a micro-USB connector."

The major holdouts in the U.S. are Apple and Research In Motion. Apple uses a proprietary 30-pin connector for its iPhone, while many BlackBerry chargers and devices are engineered so they will work only when paired together, says Wilson's Banos.

But even among companies that use micro-USB, it's still not a standard.

"There's the flat, wide mini-USB connector; the short, squat micro-USB; and different versions in between," says Allen Nogee, an analyst at In-Stat research. "They are all still using different versions of the USB connector."

But if you can get a connector to fit into the phone, it doesn't matter which model it is for or which company made it, because all USB-based chargers deliver the same voltage, say experts.

The push to change the situation in the U.S. could come from accessories makers for smartphones, says Nogee. Today, when you buy a new battery pack or car charging kit, it comes with a little bag stuffed with connectors so users can pick the right ones for their phones.

"It is much more expensive for these companies to support different phones and connectors," says Nogee. "But the problem is that so far, accessories makers haven't had enough say in the phone manufacturing process."

Ultimately, economics will force handset makers in the U.S. to change, say industry experts. As companies move to a universal charger in Europe, they will bring the same connectors to U.S. models.

It's not clear how Apple will make the change, but it is certain that if the company moves to a micro USB-based connector for its new iPhone model in Europe, U.S. customers can expect the same.

"It makes so much sense that I believe the U.S. will follow," says Banos. "It would be insane not to"

end of the article.

I hope we can also have this agreement in the Philippines, besides, we have a lot of cellphone users here.

Since I really love to have a Universal Charger, and I think most cellphone users will agree to this, I give this dream 9 out 10 AMBITION POINTS

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Samsung Champ, Touchscreen Phone at an Affordable Price

I was walking at SM North Edsa yesterday when I run into a Samsung booth. Had a glimpse of their new touchscreen phones.

When it comes to cellphones, I'm only eying to Sony Ericson, but when I saw the new Samsung phones, I kinda enjoyed browsing them and spent almost 30 minutes looking and comparing phones.

When I got home, I browsed their site and surprised that they offer a cheap touchscreen phone, the Samsung Champ.

The champ was designed for people who want to go touchscreen but don't want to put a stress in their pockets.

It has a 2.4” full touch display and a 3x3 widget format. The Samsung Champ also features TouchWiz Lite, Bluetooth 2.1, 3.5mm headset jack, access to Samsung Apps, 1.3MP camera and MicroSD card support.

The price of the phone based on some stores I visited ranges from P4,800.00 to P6,000.00. What a great deal.

I give this phone 6 out of 10 AMBITION POINTS!!!

Here are some pictures of the phone and it's features.

Specs list from: CGENA.COM

SK, Barangay Elections Registration Kicks Off

Even if the synchronized Barangay and SK elections is scheduled on the 25th of October, still there are some uncertainties due to petitions to postpone the elections.

Although there are some issues of postponement still, the COMELEC starts the registration for the election and will end on the 13th of August and until the 15th for the SK registrations. 

Registration starts at 8pm up to 5pm including Saturdays and Sundays and all registrants must bring any valid ID.

Applications for candidacy will be scheduled on some day but usually they are accomodated 10 days prior to elections.

The law stated that the election will be held on October 25 and will only be changed if the pending postponements will be approved.