Monday, July 26, 2010

A Doughnut Freakout

I love doughnuts may it be Mister Donut, Dunkin' Donut, Krispy Kreme's Chocolate Iced Custard or Cello's Peanut Butter Oreo. I like them all.

Last time while I was going home, I bought some doughnuts for my nephew. He loves chocolate flavored doughnuts. So I went to the nearest Dunkin' Donut store near the tricycle terminal where I'm heading. Since there were just few doughnuts left (and flavors were not my type) I asked for the munchkins. I purchased some Bavarian and Choco Honey Dipped Munchkins and the last piece of regular size Choco Honey Dipped. I put them in my bag and went home.

When I got home, my nephew ran towards me and asked if I have something for him so I took the doughnuts out of my bag and gave it to him. I told him to leave the Bavarian Munchkins in the plastic bag since he doesn't like them. When he was about to eat the Choco Honey Dipped he shouted "Langgam! Langgam! Tito Wel may Langgam ( those are ants) then he threw it away so I checked if that was for real and when I took the doughnut from the ground whoooowww!!! I saw RED ANTS coming out from the small holes on the doughnut.

I was disappointed and told my nephew that I'll just buy another doughnut tomorrow and he said that he doesn't want to eat doughnut anymore. I don't know what to say and some sort of anger and frustration filled me so I looked for Dunkin' Donut's number on the web.

I called their customer service to report the incident. What made me feel bad was that all of the support personnel who answered the phone just transfered me from one person to another. Until I got the chance to talk with the right person. I told her the problem, she felt sorry for the incident and asked me for some information so that she can trace the exact store location and promised me to call back after tracing the store.

After a while, she called me and told me that they're really sorry for the incident and asked me my address so they can have someone deliver some doughnuts at my house as a payment for the inconveniences it has caused me. I told them that it's okay, no need to deliver something but she insisted that they're going to deliver some doughnuts at my house so I said it's okay, go ahead. But until now I haven't received any doughnut from them hehehehehe... But that's fine coz I'm not after it.I'm just informing them of the incident so that it might not happen again with other customer's coz I consider myself a regular customer and I felt bad that I encountered that problem.

I'm not really mad, I'm just frustrated and the reason why I called was because I just want to inform them with the problem so that the same problem won't happen again with other customers or probably to me again. I understand that what happened to me was just an isolated case and Dunkin Donut is a respected industry when it comes to doughnuts. They won't be here for more than a decade if their doughnutss are not good.

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