Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Start of A New Life

According to Flora Whittmore, "The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live."

As a day ends, we are closing a chapter in our life to get ready to fill the following pages of my stiry book of my next adventures.

It's really frustrating if we see that what we have left behind should have been the path we have taken. Well we can do nothing about it. We just have to face what lies ahead and make sure that our next steps would be something worth continuing.

I'm done with my college as a nursing student. Just took the board exams, and now still waiting for the result. But every single day, I can't help myself asking if I really made the right decision to continue, but ofcourse it's permanent so I can do nothing about it. And since I'm done with the board exam, what's bugging my mind now is what will happen next? Should I study again? Should I pursue my nursing career? or should I look for another job that fits me well? Well I'm still trying to figure out the answer.

I told myself that if i make it good at the boards well, I should probably proceed with my nursing career since even if I don't like it, I never really had a hard time with it unlike other nursing students. However, if I am not of enough luck and does not make it to a nice grade or even fail the exam, I really have to look for other nice job that gives a well compensation or, I should even study again on any computer related course since it's my passion.

I'm not gettin' any younger so I really have to make quick decisions. Obviously, I'm quite not sure with what lies ahead. All I know is that I'm having a new life, I'm starting to write the story of my life on the following pages of my story book.

"Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us" that is according to John Mitchell.Well, I'm the master of ambitions. I won't get tired dreaming of great wealth, power and everything. I'll always be positive and my desire to help my love ones my friends and other people will continue no matter what happens. I'll choose the right path, I'll close my door at the right time and I'll enter a new one with full caution.

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