Thursday, October 15, 2009

Happy Birthday: Is this an art?

It was my Gyosonim's (professor's) birthday last Thursday. Since he is very kind to me, i planned to give him a surprise gift... Haha... I really don't know what to give since i have no other talents aside from photo editing and some computer stuffs. But I tried to create an art with my paper and some coloring tools.

Before I made my surprise gift, I thought it would be nice to put the words "Happy Birthday to you" that is written in Korean, but I really don't know how will I do that. And since I notice that there are lots of Korean students in our university, I tried to ask one of them to teach me how will I write those phrases. Good thing the group helped me and Jinh helped me out on it.

I really want to put other words in my drawing but I had a hard time speaking with them. Their not that good in English so I just sticked with the Happy Birthday to You phrase instead. "Kamsahamnida" i told them Jinh was really sincere in helping but he told me that his English is limited. It's "kaenchanayo" i replied which means alright and i just hoped that was the right thing to say. Hahaha...

After that I went home and continue with my art. Actually if I asked my youngest sister who is 10 to do the art for me, it could have been a lot better. But I just decided to do it myself.

Then the morning of Kwang's birthday we chatted took some lessons and surprised him with my gift... Hahaha... It was so embarassing knowing that my gift is a mess. But good thing he liked it tho. He really appreciates my work (I just hope that was real hahahah but I think he really does) And then, I tried to sing Happy Birthday in Korean:

Saeng il chukha Hamnida
Saeng il chukha Hamnida
Sarang ha nun Oori Kwang Min
Saeng il chukha Hamnida

hahahha..... I can't help to laugh while I was singing that coz i know that it sounded so odd and I can see him bursting with laughter on the other side... hahahha.... But at least I had a compliment from him hahaha...

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