Sunday, October 25, 2009

Getting Ready for the Last Phase

Getting ready for the march, waiting for the diploma, and concentrating for tons of examinations. Those are the usual thoughts of a graduating nursing student.

It's just this day that I have realized that I'm now entering the last phase of my nursing student life. And if not really for the final exam last semester and the orientation for the coming sem that I won't be able to realize how i took everything for granted and took easy on things. Maybe those were just wake up calls for me to start accepting the fact that I have no other choice but to continue with the field I entered.

I should really prepare myself for the intensive phase, my final shot and my saving punch. I really don't know how will I push myself. Yeah I still haven't reach my limit but I really don't have any idea how to reach it and I don't have the drive either.

But still, I'm hoping that I will savor the success of my four years of struggle without any delays.

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