Sunday, October 25, 2009

Zuki was Voted Out!

Suzuki was voted off the last tribal council. That was the most strategic and mind puzzling council of all.

Before the tribal council, Shaun heard the plan that he will be voted off so he immediately old the plan to his boys alliance. Since Suzuki was holding the secret immunity bracelet, he gave it to Shaun not knowing that his action made him vulnerable and would lead to his end.

When Charles knew that the bracelet was given off to Shaun, he immediately talked with Jeff and told her that Shaun is a traitor he's just using Suzuki. Mika and Jeff told him to calm down and just set himself for any outcome of the tribal council.

Afterwards, Suzuki told Shaun that the girls will vote him off. Shaun told him that they won't and it's just that Charles was making everything difficult because he's always shifting sides. Shaun told him that the girls will go for Justine on the council just to assure Suzuki that he won't be voted out.

Before the start of the Council, Jeff and Justine was able to come up with their last minute plan, they decided to vote against Shaun even if he's holding the immunity bracelet. Jeff also realized that Mika has other plan and maybe she's just using her.

During the council, Paolo asked all of the castaways aside from Mika to get out for an activity. He interviewed the castaways one by one so that they're free to tell everything without the fear of the other members striking back.

Then the official voting follows, before Paolo tallied the results, he asked them whether anyone has found the hidden immunity and is planning to surrender and use it. Shaun used the immunity bracelet meaning all of the votes casted against him will not be counted. When the tallying of votes ended, Shaun got three but because of the bracelet they were not counted, Justine got two and Suzuki got two votes.

Because of a tie, they were asked to vote again except Justine and Suzuki. When the votes were tallied, Justine got two (from Shaun and Charles) and Suzuki got three (from all the girls) and that made him the 4th member of the Jury.

Before Zuki left the council, he was given the chance to give a red pearl which will give an additional two votes against that person on the next council. Zuki gave it to Mika and he made his last farewell.

He was in tears while bursting out his final words.

"Shaun and Charles kaya niyo yan tapos na ang survivor para sa akin" and "Lola wala na po, miss na miss na kita" he said.

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