Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Christmas Project

Christmas as they say is the time for sharing and giving in any way that you can.

Since childhood, we look forward of this day. My siblings and I make sure that before the sunset of the 24th of December, all things are packed. Our clothes, toys and other stuffs coz we are preparing to celebrate Christmas at my Granny's house together with some of our relatives.

Not until four years ago when we stop visiting the place because of different changes in the lives and some other problems. We seldom celebrate Christmas instead we make busy of ourselves and look forward of the New Year's Eve in our house together with relatives.

But now, because of the blessings we are getting this year, my Big Bro decided to offer something to those who are really in need. We prepared a small meal for them. My big Bro financed everything, My Mom and Dad focused on cooking, my siblings, cousin and my uncle do the repacking and I hahahhaha ofcourse assigned myself to everything hahahahah (just kiddin).

We started the journey at Novaliches going to C5, Mindanao Ave. until North Ave. after that we went North to Muñoz, balintawak, Monumento thru Mc Arthur hi-way to Valenzuela until Bocaue, Bulacan.

my beautiful sister with their equally handsome Bro!
We all wore a red shirt match with our car hahaha...

During our stops, I can't help having my eyes a lil' bit teary, especially when I hear the words "salamat sa inyo!, Merry Christmas, Thank you po, ang bait ninyo, salamat iho" and so many other words expressing how thankful they are.
cute little kid waving goodbye!
carolers at night...
we feel really elated seeing those smiles at their faces
My brother remembered those years when we were little kids, waiting for our presents, our aguinaldo and he boasted that he's the one who always get a lot of money among us during Christmas. And it was really nice reminiscing those days.

It's great touching the lives of those people, hoping that if we touch even hundred of lives a day and those people whom we touched lives did the same, we won't be experiencing hunger, hatred, fear and agony and instead love and sharing will outpour in this world.

I'm hoping everyone will do their part not only during the holidays but all throughout our lives. Even a single word can deeply touch a heart.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My Christmas Wishlist

We really can't deny, Christmas is just around the corner. I can feel the cold breeze, I can see lights of different colors and I can hear children of different ages singing the Christmas songs.

And since it's the time to ask Santa Claus for a gift, I might as well ask for my own and write a wishlist.... hahahhaha

So Santa, h
ere's Five of my top wants....

5.Nokia N97

Although Camera is still at 5mp. It's not bad since it's very user friendly and i hear less negative comments with this phone... It can make me keep

4. Apple MacBook Pro Summer 2009

Using a laptop will definitely be a great time with this one. It's as if you're having a desktop in hand. With it.s 2.26 Intel COre 2 DUo processor and 2 gb dual core processor (just don't know if expandable) you won't go wrong!!! You just have to pa
y at least 60,000Php

3. Sony Cybershot DSC-HX1

Since I love taking photos, Sony Cyber
shot DX-HX1 will be a great gift this holiday Season for me.... It's 9mp with 20x Optical Zoom is enough to capture precious moments. You can also record at 1080p HD movie recording if you want!

2.PSP 3000

Even if GO is just around the corner, I still prefer 3000. Why, because i hate making objects go smaller but then the functionality is compromised. GO is really having some issues with it's functionality and being user friendly... So i'll stick with 3000.

1. Ipod Touch

Since I really love listening to music, watching video and playing some games. Ipod Touch can also be a best gift this Christmas.

So Santa, prepare those items for me or i'll get sad!!! hahahhaa...I'll be a good boy!!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Survivor Philippines: Final Five Revealed

It was so bad I wasn't able to watch the elimination night last Friday wherein Shaun was voted out. But as I heard it from my friends, the tribal council was really hot and great last Friday!

and the night cut the castaways to the final five:

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Zuki was Voted Out!

Suzuki was voted off the last tribal council. That was the most strategic and mind puzzling council of all.

Before the tribal council, Shaun heard the plan that he will be voted off so he immediately old the plan to his boys alliance. Since Suzuki was holding the secret immunity bracelet, he gave it to Shaun not knowing that his action made him vulnerable and would lead to his end.

When Charles knew that the bracelet was given off to Shaun, he immediately talked with Jeff and told her that Shaun is a traitor he's just using Suzuki. Mika and Jeff told him to calm down and just set himself for any outcome of the tribal council.

Afterwards, Suzuki told Shaun that the girls will vote him off. Shaun told him that they won't and it's just that Charles was making everything difficult because he's always shifting sides. Shaun told him that the girls will go for Justine on the council just to assure Suzuki that he won't be voted out.

Before the start of the Council, Jeff and Justine was able to come up with their last minute plan, they decided to vote against Shaun even if he's holding the immunity bracelet. Jeff also realized that Mika has other plan and maybe she's just using her.

During the council, Paolo asked all of the castaways aside from Mika to get out for an activity. He interviewed the castaways one by one so that they're free to tell everything without the fear of the other members striking back.

Then the official voting follows, before Paolo tallied the results, he asked them whether anyone has found the hidden immunity and is planning to surrender and use it. Shaun used the immunity bracelet meaning all of the votes casted against him will not be counted. When the tallying of votes ended, Shaun got three but because of the bracelet they were not counted, Justine got two and Suzuki got two votes.

Because of a tie, they were asked to vote again except Justine and Suzuki. When the votes were tallied, Justine got two (from Shaun and Charles) and Suzuki got three (from all the girls) and that made him the 4th member of the Jury.

Before Zuki left the council, he was given the chance to give a red pearl which will give an additional two votes against that person on the next council. Zuki gave it to Mika and he made his last farewell.

He was in tears while bursting out his final words.

"Shaun and Charles kaya niyo yan tapos na ang survivor para sa akin" and "Lola wala na po, miss na miss na kita" he said.

Getting Ready for the Last Phase

Getting ready for the march, waiting for the diploma, and concentrating for tons of examinations. Those are the usual thoughts of a graduating nursing student.

It's just this day that I have realized that I'm now entering the last phase of my nursing student life. And if not really for the final exam last semester and the orientation for the coming sem that I won't be able to realize how i took everything for granted and took easy on things. Maybe those were just wake up calls for me to start accepting the fact that I have no other choice but to continue with the field I entered.

I should really prepare myself for the intensive phase, my final shot and my saving punch. I really don't know how will I push myself. Yeah I still haven't reach my limit but I really don't have any idea how to reach it and I don't have the drive either.

But still, I'm hoping that I will savor the success of my four years of struggle without any delays.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Final Exams

Tomorrow will be the start of our final examinations. It will be tough I think since we've had a lot to cover. Medical Surgical, Pediatric, Communicable Disease and Psychiatric Nursing.

Until now, I wasn't able to finish most of the topics. I don't know how will I survive tomorrow but I've got my confidence to back me up if my pool of stock knowledge won't be able to help me out.

Medical Surgical exam i think will be the toughest, I've got to master ECG tracing which seems to be hard. CPR ohh, don't have to read it again, I know enough about it hehehhe....

After these exams, I have to deal with my hospital duties, it will be the last semester for my nursing internship. Hope everything goes well tomorrow even if I won't be able to study everything.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I've Got Burned

I really don't have any talent in cooking and I really hate the part when you have to fry something and noticed that it's becoming overcooked, smell bad and annoying smoke comes out, all signs of overcooking. Usually when this event happens I really don't know what to do and just try to turn the food on the other side. But every time, odd thing happens.

This time, the pork popped. It was a deep fry so the very hot oil just burned my right hand and mostly between my ring and pinky. As a nurse instinct, I just get a cold water and let it run through the burns so the pain would be relieved and swelling be prevented.

After that, I just stopped that damn cooking! I really admit that I don't have any talent when it comes to food. All I know is how to eat. So I think it would be better of that way. hahahha.... Just leave that damn cooking to my parents hahhaha....

Because of this incident, I have some first aid advice for burns.

First thing is you just have to distinguish what type of burn you've gotten. Is it minor or serious one. Minor burn is classified into two, the first degree and the second degree:

  • First degree burn is the least serious burn which usually includes outer layer of the skin. The area usually becomes reddish and sometimes swelling may occur.

  • Second degree burn affects the outer layer of the skin down to the second layer or the dermis. Blisters may develop and the area becomes extremely red. Severe pain can be felt. Minor burns usually have an area of not less than 3 inches if more than 3 inches consider it a major burn and get yourself to a physician for treatment.

For treatment with minor burns:

  • First, you have to cool the area. Flush the area with cool water for at least 3-5 minutes. There are some beliefs that flushing the burn with water may cause swelling. Well, swelling is a natural process especially if it is a second degree burn.
You have to flush it with cold water to decrease the pain and prevent further swelling.

  • Next is you have to put a sterile gauze at the top of the burned area, this will prevent exposure to bacteria and prevents infection.

  • If the pain is still present, you may use over the counter analgesics.

Minor burns majority will heal itself but it may leave pigmentations on the skin. If infection occurs, you have to seek medical advice.

For third degree burns, usually they are painless. It involves the fats, muscles and even the bones. If this happens, always check the safety of the patient, check if the person is having difficulty of breathing cause he may be exposed to smoke from fire. After securing the person, you have to seek medical attention immediately.

Hope these could be a great help.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

SM Megamall Three Day Sale

My friends and I planned to go to SM Megamall yesterday and then we knew that they were having a 3 day sale that started last friday.

Since there's a sale, we took advantage of the opportunity to get great discounts for some clothes and pants. It's like looking for needles in the haystack cause on sale items don't look great so we really have to look for all places.

I found a clothe at BUM and i got 10 percent off. Then, since I'm hopeless looking for an on sale denim which looks great, I just bought two denims from Penshoppe, a checkered and a maong pants.

It was so tiring walking and looking for great items while struggling with the crowd. so we just decided to eat and take some frapuccino.

That mall wide sale was great it's just that there's too many people for you to enjoy. Hehehe

Anyways, the SM mall wide sale is until today. So you still have the chance to get great offers to save extra money for the holidays...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Wow Nike Air Max LeBron VII White Gold!

This is the new Nike Air Max LeBron 7 White Gold to be released in China exclusively.

Due to the Chinese's support to LeBron, they designed a new collection of shoes that holds the chinese elements, mostly gold for luck. It has great design not only at the top but also in the bottom. It's as if you're wearing gold bars at your feet if you own this one.

And for shoe collectors it's really a must have!!!

Here are some of the photos of Nike Air Max LeBron 7 White Gold China Edition:

Double Kill!

Tara and Echo was voted out of the Survivor in one consecutive tribal council performed at the same night. Yes, two castaways were eliminated at one night. Why? Well, it was all part of the very unpredictable twist of the game.

Before the tribal council, Tara was very uncomfortable, she tried to persuade Jeff, Justine, Echo, Suzuki and Charles to trust her because she knew that she's the next target. She really wanted to unite the original Koror knowing that that alliance could save her.

Meanwhile, Suzuki and Charles were confuse whom to give their trust. They are caught between two dilemmas. It is whether they are going to stick with the original Koror or trust Shaun and build a new alliance with him to save the boys.

But as with the result of the tribal council, it seemed that Suzuki and Charles had made their decision, to embrace their new alliance with Shaun.

All odds are against Tara, it seemed that she's struggling against an all out war. But she was unable to overcome the tides. She was voted FIRST! Yes, first, because that night Paolo told everyone that there will be a second tribal council that night. Everyone was shocked, good thing Justine was awarded a scroll as a second placer during the immunity challenge. Justine was relieved when she read the scroll out loud. "You are immune to the next tribal council." those were the words from the scroll.

When the tribal council has ended and Paolo was going to announce the next person to leave the area, Echo burst her emotions and cried, probably anticipating that she will be the one to leave. "the ninth person voted out of the Survivor and third member of the tribal Council, Echo!"

I'm really sad about the decision because of the fact that Echo is playing for her family's sake. She wanted to win the pot money just to give her family a nice living... But it's all part of the game. She has played the game well but sadly, she's just part of it.

"in this game, some play the game and dictate other people while the rest let others dictate them" - Paolo

link to Survivor Philippines fan site

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Happy Birthday: Is this an art?

It was my Gyosonim's (professor's) birthday last Thursday. Since he is very kind to me, i planned to give him a surprise gift... Haha... I really don't know what to give since i have no other talents aside from photo editing and some computer stuffs. But I tried to create an art with my paper and some coloring tools.

Before I made my surprise gift, I thought it would be nice to put the words "Happy Birthday to you" that is written in Korean, but I really don't know how will I do that. And since I notice that there are lots of Korean students in our university, I tried to ask one of them to teach me how will I write those phrases. Good thing the group helped me and Jinh helped me out on it.

I really want to put other words in my drawing but I had a hard time speaking with them. Their not that good in English so I just sticked with the Happy Birthday to You phrase instead. "Kamsahamnida" i told them Jinh was really sincere in helping but he told me that his English is limited. It's "kaenchanayo" i replied which means alright and i just hoped that was the right thing to say. Hahaha...

After that I went home and continue with my art. Actually if I asked my youngest sister who is 10 to do the art for me, it could have been a lot better. But I just decided to do it myself.

Then the morning of Kwang's birthday we chatted took some lessons and surprised him with my gift... Hahaha... It was so embarassing knowing that my gift is a mess. But good thing he liked it tho. He really appreciates my work (I just hope that was real hahahah but I think he really does) And then, I tried to sing Happy Birthday in Korean:

Saeng il chukha Hamnida
Saeng il chukha Hamnida
Sarang ha nun Oori Kwang Min
Saeng il chukha Hamnida

hahahha..... I can't help to laugh while I was singing that coz i know that it sounded so odd and I can see him bursting with laughter on the other side... hahahha.... But at least I had a compliment from him hahaha...

Korean Language 101

I was surfing the web almost two weeks ago when I was hit by an idea to study another language. At first, I thought, why not study Japanese since it could also be a great help for me if I consider working there. But suddenly, while i was in a chatroom, I encountered a Korean linguist wanna be. I started to chat him and there it goes, my interest on their language follows.

What made me become interested much is how this guy values his culture, his native language and the love for his country. His words has depth and I noticed that he is intelligent, plus his English is great so we can talk with much ease so I took the chance of asking him to teach me Korean language.

I know that it will be hard to study their language since they have a different way of forming their sentences. Unlike English which can be translated into Filipino easily, Korean is not that easy to translate, their sentence structure sometimes varies with the way English and Filipino words are made. But this is what I like, CHALLENGE! Hahaha so I'll give it a shot.

It's great that his English is great, we were able to study using English as our main form of conversation. Oh I forgot, my Gyosonim's (professor) name is Kwang Min. He is great when it comes to teaching.
While teaching me Korean, I also teach him Filipino words, but I'm kinda poor when it comes to grammar and so I'm having a hard time teaching him Filipino, it's good that he is a great student too. So he email or buzz my messenger every time he is available for some lesson and it's really great to experience someone's language and laugh everytime someone made a mistake using your language or vice versa.

some of the few words I always use:

annyeonghaseyo = good morning/afternoon/evening
= magandang umaga/hapon/gabi
kaenchanayo = alright
= mabuti/ayos(informal)
Mi An = Sorry
= patawad (paumanhin)
kamsahamnida = thank you
= maraming salamat
Chon man Hae yo = you're welcome
= walang anuman
Ne = Yes
= Oo
Aniyo = No
= Hindi
Hashimniga = Hello
= Kamusta
Annyonghi kaseyo= goodbye (if you will say it to someone that is leaving)
= paalam
Beer = Maekchu
= alak
Ruel Apostol
Himnida = My name is Ruel Apostol
= Ang pangalan ko ay Ruel Apostol
Saengil chukna
hamnida = Happy Birthday to you
= Maligayang bati sa iyo
Good = Chosumnida
= mabuti

those are some of the few words i know right now. I don't know when will I try to study the grammar I just want to get myself familiarize with the words first and if I like it, I'll pursue this.